Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Goodbye and Good Riddance

The Leader of the New Labour Council (Denise Jones) has had the audacity to invite RESPECT councillors to attend a ‘farewell and good wishes’ event for departing Chief Executive Christine Gilbert.

Cllr Abjol Miah, opposition leader, says: ‘It seems that New Labour and Ms Gilbert are intent on squandering public time and money right to the end. The RESPECT Group will not be accepting the invitation. We consider that Ms Gilbert has failed the people of Tower Hamlets.’

Christine Gilbert has:

Presided over the 'disposal' of millions of pounds worth of public assets - town halls, local housing offices, public libraries and worst of all, thousands of council homes. Only a public outcry stopped the ownership of a brand-new award-winning Idea Store being given away for nothing
Encouraged the wanton use of private consultants, often without proper checks or accountability, at a cost of millions of pounds to local people.
Damaged the working conditions and morale of council staff by the introduction of an authoritarian and unnecessary sickness procedure
Allowed the ruling party to avoid public debate and scrutiny.

Finally - and most damningly - presided over an electoral system that no longer has the confidence of local people.

For these and similar ‘services’ she is rewarded with a staggering £189,000 a year (excluding pensions). There is no justification for any employee of Tower Hamlets being paid this amount, while the average household income in our borough is £15,000 and the Town Hall cleaners are paid £5.05 an hour. We call on the Council to ensure that this deplorable situation is not repeated when the next Chief Executive is appointed.

For more information and press comment , phone Eileen Short on 07984 813 930

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