Friday, September 01, 2006

Religions Working Together

Briefing on Channel 4 “Getting God” Programmes>

Channel 4 are planning to do a series of 3 programmes on three different religions – Islam, Scientology and Hinduism which are expected to air in early September.

These programmes all take some celebrity and drop them into the religion – in a different country – for a couple of weeks. From the information available these programmes are a variation on the ‘Reality TV’ theme – this time seen through the eyes of a celebrity.

Peaches Geldof, the 17 year old daughter of Bob Geldof, has been chosen as the person to ‘experience’ Islam. She was sent to live with a Moslem family in Morocco for two weeks and the programme shows her experiences here. However, following this filming, Peaches Geldof has been the subject of many media articles that depict her antics in Ibiza where she has been reported to be drinking, partying and throwing her thong to partygoers. One can hardly expect an in-depth study of the religion of Islam to come from this programme – and subsequent behaviour would at best mock any assertions of enlightenment.

The comedian, Hardeep Singh Kohli, was the chosen celebrity to be inserted into Scientology. However, the Church of Scientology made it clear that they did not want to become involved in such a presentation considering it impossible for someone to experience or represent their religion in such a way. They made it clear that they were willing to cooperate in other ways to make a programme that they felt would be representative of their religion but apparently the dictates of the programmers were set and no other format was acceptable. Rather than accommodate their wishes, instead the programmers went to a small group of excommunicated apostates who do not practice Scientology and are presenting them as followers.

The final programme, on Hinduism, we have no information about and so cannot comment on this.

Religions Working Together finds these methods unacceptable and quite contrary to principles of tolerance, cooperation and sound television programming policy. In these days it is vital to understand the religion of another. Two programmes are being made in a manner calculated to be highly insulting and offensive to followers of the religions concerned..

Religions Working Together has, as a part of our mission statement, the edict to stand up as a group and as members of our own faith in solidarity to speak out in defence when a religion is being maligned or religion generally is being maligned.

We therefore ask you to register you concerns by contacting the Andy Duncan, Executive Officer (, with a copy to Luke Johnson, Chairman ( of Channel 4.

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