Thursday, December 28, 2006

Anan visits Egypt...

I went to Egypt on the 29th March. I went with my parents and my mum friends and her daughters and their dad. First I visited Cairo. At Cairo I did lots of stuff like going to the mosque and went to a museum and in the museum I saw statues and a model of a pyramid. There was a mummy inside the glass and there were stones for jewellery behind the glass so they don't fall out the glass. The looked nice and it was painted with glass paint. There were carpets that were decorated. At Giza I rode camels and the one I was sitting on was a grey camel. I saw three pyramids and one of them was a step pyramid. There was a tour guide that liked me then he let me sit on a horse.

I went to pizza hut to eat. I saw a garden with different kind of flowers. People were knitting mats and some people fixing the wall then we went to Luxor. In Luxor we went on a boat trip on the River Nile. We visited the valley of kings and Queens, then we went to banana island and I had one of the bananas from the tree. I went swimming with my mum's friend daughter every day I really enjoyed myself in Egypt. I came back home on the 8th April.

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