Friday, December 15, 2006

Press conference - Stop this descent into sleaze!

George Galloway and Respect’s group of councillors in Tower Hamlets are holding an emergency media briefing following the disgraceful decision by New Labour councillors this week to prevent criticism in the council of the sleazy strip club operators who are spreading like a virus through the borough. New Labour voted down moves to discuss a motion on halting the spread of these unsavoury “clubs”. Respect has not only received a huge number of complaints from residents at the proliferation of these degrading clubs, we have also amassed compelling evidence that the council is failing to use its planning and licensing powers effectively to stop their spread.

Monday we see the launch of a major campaign to clean up the borough and prevent it from being turned into a sexist peep show for sleazy City spivs.

Galloway and the councillors will also be hitting back at a disgraceful Newsnight piece on Tuesday of this week that claimed that Bengali people in Tower Hamlets are refusing to learn English and are relying on translation services to live “separate lives”. We will be highlighting scandalous cuts at Tower Hamlets College, which will savage the provision of English teaching. Respect’s representatives will be explaining how they intend both to put the record straight and to campaign for language provision for all.

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