Saturday, February 10, 2007

Poem: Jumping Jackflashes

Klinsmann said to Johnson; "nosedive and retire,
"Just like a stricken spitfire"

Rivaldo said to Rojas; "Use the blade, let some skin part,
"And hit the deck like a wayward dart."

Paolo said to Alcock; " I'll push, you pirouettte like a dancing Shaikh,
"We'll do our very own rendition of Swan Lake."

Not to be outdone, Ronaldo said to Robben; "for the panto we'll fancy dress,
"And have the last laugh over Ortega and Pires.

Divers,the villains of the football panto
Make or break, for a friend or foe

The worst the guilty get is a ban or a fine
Or for artistic excellence, a credible nine point nine.

(c) Emdad Rahman - 10.02.07

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