Saturday, February 10, 2007

Poem: Hot air bag

Who'd have thought that a bag of hot air
Would entertain a billion?
A day would come when the bag juggler's flair
Would set Chairmen back a cool million

Who would have thought that a bag of hot air
Could also cause much misery?
War breaks out, Honduros and El Salvador
Proof the pictures not all colourful and shimmery

Who would have thought that a bag of hot air
would dominate countless a schoolboy dream
Bulging stadia with all thefanfare
All frenzily cheering on their team

So to all who are there or in a comfy armchair
Lets preserve our love of this bag of hot air.

(c) Emdad Rahman - 10.02.07

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its not just the bag thats full of hot air! English fans are full of hot air too, the sulphuric vapour variety!