Monday, January 14, 2008

Banksy - Vandal or artist?

Is this grafitti or art?

It's a monstrosity if you believe my pal (Robocop) Councillor Abdal Ullah of the cleaner, greener, safer variety Councillor ullah has declared war on Banksy:- "Graffiti is a crime. It spoils the environment, makes our neighborhoods feel less safe, and costs thousands of pounds each year to clean." Not long after this comment, a stencilled message appeared with the legend 'commissioned by Tower Hamlets Council.'

A BBC report during the tailend of last year highlighted that Tower Hamlets council was the first council to categorise the Guerilla artists workmanship as vandalism.

At the time of press Banksy's original rat from the West Bank - Palestine has already reached £8,323.33 with almost 6 days of the auction left.

So does this cheer up our great borough or is it an ugly eyesore? - Council supremo Denise jones is a paid up patron of the arts and I'm counting on the borough supporting the eventual sale of the offending art to hopefully raise revenue for worthy causes. The wall is actually part of the Bethnal Green Working Men’s club. In an interview with the East London advertiser Club secretary Steve Smorthit said: “They can’t get rid of it… it’s our property!”

I personally think it's wonderful. Over to the readers...

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