Monday, September 01, 2008

Muslim council chiefs ban 'tea & sandwiches' in Ramadan meetings

"They've got some neck mind, these Muslim councillors. They stand for elections in a democratic society then try and impose their archaic dietary and religious beliefs on us enlightened Westerners.

"If you don't like democracy Cllr Islam go live in Pakistan - they're not too keen on it either. Most people in this country don't believe that dogs and pigs are unclean or that beating oneself senseless with a spiky whip is any way to encourage children to celebrate the death of the prophet's son."

- Squiz, Islington

A very, very irresponsible accusation by such an astute politician is all I can say on this unfortunate episode.

Misunderstanding a request to not open Iftar (breaking fast) packs until the time for Iftar Councillor Dr Stephanie Eaton decided to hit back by writing to Tower Hamlets council leadership and express her indignation at a perceived notion of councillors being starved by the town hall.

I have (in person) spoken to several Muslim and non Muslim councillors today. Everybody unanimously agreed that Dr Eaton's response will increase ill feeling towards Muslims and the non Muslim politicians in question were very embarassed by her irresponsible comments and the media/public response.

I'd like to know exactly how many of people object to their non Muslim colleagues/mates eating in front of them during Ramadan, because I certainly don't. Though my mates and colleagues may often go elsewhere to eat out of respect or sensitivity. Is the expression of such a sentiment, for a buddy by a buddy, a wrong thing?

Dr Eaton's comments disrespect her town hall colleagues. They also attempt to cast a shadow over the sterling efforts of councillors to secure and maintain the welfare of this great borough. Mind you, if the Lib Dems showed that much backbone in relevant matters they'd really ruffle a few feathers.

Read about the controversy HERE...

That's me done! Over to you and anyone else who wishes to comment. Has Councillor Eaton made something out of nothing or is Tower hamlets Council about to be taken over by the Taliban and the Mullah Omar minions?


Spot and highlight the ignorance within the quote at the top of the note by a Daily mail Reader. The winner will receive absolutely jack...

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