Purple Apples depicts the life of a young girl, Donna Charlton, whose life transforms when she meets a lady with purple nails who serves her up a tasty treat. However, this treat is not just tasty it is also magical! Enjoy reading this enthralling tale which describes how this miraculous delight changes Donna’s life and takes her through a spiral of events!
EMDAD RAHMAN interviews rising literary star Stephanie Duncan.
What inspired you to write Purple Apples?
I decided to write a book that touches upon the issues teenagers face during family breakdowns. I wanted to show them that if you are going through bad times you can still find some light at the end of the tunnel.
What has been the response so far?
A lot of people have said that they are very interested in the story and are looking forward to the next book.
Is self publishing difficult?
It is quite difficult because you have to ensure that what you publish is good enough to sale. This is quite tricky on your own but I enjoyed doing it because it allowed me to learn more about the world of publishing which was very beneficial.
Have you received interest from the mainstream?
I have not received much interest yet because it is still early days and many bookstores do not know about the book yet. At the moment I am in the process of talking to bookstores and getting them interested in the book.
What advice do you have for budding writers?
Keep on writing and be determined. Even if you get many rejections from publishers just keep thinking positive and don’t stop believing because it will happen!
How will young people identify with Donna Charlton?
Donna Charlton is very sensitive and vulnerable at the time that we are introduced to her in the story. These are feelings that teenagers experience quite regularly through their development. I think young people will relate to the feelings that the character encounters and look at her as a role model as she puts a positive twist on most of her situations.
What are your three most influential personalities?
Someone I look up to with great inspiration is Oprah Winfrey. She is a hard working woman who helps people who are struggling in their lives. In the book, the witch Isla has a very similar personality as she helps people that are suffering. I think that this is an essential element to have as there are many people who need aid to reinforce their lives.
Another person who has influenced me greatly is the singer Beyonce as she is like Oprah Winfrey, very hard working and focused. She has built her career with great effort and has successfully achieved her goals creating a positive light for young women.
One other person who I look up to is my mother as she is always there for me and gives me much encouragement and love. She is the reason why I have got so far in life because of her support and her persistence to tell me that I can do anything. I feel it is important to surround yourself with people who have good intentions for you and your future.
Any hobbies?
My favourite hobby is baking. I absolutely love to bake cakes and biscuits; it is a real passion of mine! I get pleasure from creating new recipes and trying out different cake mixtures. I also enjoy watching people eat my food as I get delight from pleasing others. I am writing a British-Caribbean cookbook as I am British with Caribbean roots and I think that the market could do with a recipe book with British recipes with a Caribbean twist!
Another hobby that I have is of course writing! I love to write stories, poems and lyrics for songs. As soon as I get any spare time I like to write, I see it as quite therapeutic and intriguing as I never know how a story will turn out until I finish it. At the moment I am in the middle of writing the next book that follows Purple Apples.
Your favourite Author?
I have a variety of different authors that I like such as J. K. Rowling, Roald Dahl, Charles Dickens and Omar Tyree. I like these authors because their writing is creative and imaginative. When reading their stories you feel as though you are in the story, you can almost smell and taste the images that they are portraying.
What's the best thing about mystical stories?
The best thing about mystical stories is the fact that they lead you to a different world and take you out of the ordinary. They stretch your imagination and make you believe that the impossible could be possible. I love to write mystical stories as you can turn anything into a reality.
Do you plan to continue writing and if so, what's in the pipeline?
Yes I am continuing to write, like I have said I am in the process of writing the sequel to Purple Apples. In this story the main character is the witch Isla who we learn much more about and we take a trip into her past. I am also writing a British-Caribbean cook book which will include a range of different recipes created and adapted by myself.
Purple Apples can be purchased by visiting www.authorhouse.co.uk
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