Saturday, October 09, 2010

Nuts about nature at the Ecology pavilion - Mile End

Emdad Rahman: With conker season in full swing, we decided to attend "nuts about nature," a special event to celebrate all things green in the borough.

The event at the Ecology Pavilion in Mile End Park, was an event that not only provides residents with a fun day out but also celebrates their gardening achievements.

The annual Tower Hamlets in Bloom awards ceremony took place at the event. The new-look ceremony helped shed more light on the awards and will encourage more people to get involved next year.

Organised by Tower Hamlets Council, the Tower Hamlets In Bloom competition is part of the nationwide scheme that encourages people to become interested in plants, wildlife and the environment.

The competition is broken down into different gardening categories and is open to residents, businesses, community groups and schools.

Along with the award ceremony, there were tree climbing, gardening tips, pond dipping, willow weaving and story telling.

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