Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Paul the psychic Octopus dies

Emdad Rahman: The world's most famous octopus has died.
Management and staff at the Oberhausen Sea Life Centre were devastated to discover that oracle octopus Paul, who achieved global renown during the recent World Cup, had passed away overnight.

"Paul amazed the world by correctly predicting the winners of all Germany's World Cup clashes, and then of the final," said Sea Life Centre Manager Stefan Porwoll.

"His success made him almost a bigger story than the World Cup itself, and for each of his predictions during the later stages of the tournament you could scarcely squeeze a playing card between the camera lenses."
"We had all naturally grown very fond of him and he will be sorely missed," said Stefan.

"He appears to passed away peacefully during the night, of natural causes, and we are consoled by the knowledge that he enjoyed a good life here and that the care provided him by our dedicated displays team could not have been bettered."

In anticipation of the sad event, however, a new younger common octopus had been acclimatising behind the scenes. The new octopus shall be named Paul too to stand within the tradition of Sea Life Oberhausen.
Paul's body is now in cold storage while Sea Life management decides how best to mark his passing.
"We may decide to give Paul his own small burial plot within out grounds and erect a modest permanent shrine," said Stefan.

"While this may seem a curious thing to do for a sea creature, Paul achieved such popularity during his short life that it may be deemed the most appropriate course of action."

Paul will live on meanwhile as the object of a host of commercial enterprises ranging from special clothing lines to mobile phone applications inspired by his fame.

A lasting legacy of the astonishing global phenomena that was Paul the Octopus is also taking shape on the Greek island of Zakynthos, a permanent sea turtle rescue centre funded in part by donations generated in Paul's name.

Paul the Octopus

Alas the final bell rang
Tranquilly Paul bid all adieu
Time out for the Bookies nightmare
At the grand old age of two

Oberhausen’s clairvoyant Octopus
Mystic Paul with the uncanny knack
Eight world cup matches called
Until the Weymouth lad had a setback

For Sea Life’s Stefan Porwoll
Paul more commercial than Atlantic Cod
“Almost a bigger story than the World Cup itself”
Eight black armbands for the Cephalopod

"It's a sad day,” said agent, Chris Davies
Earned Sea Life many a crucial squid
England hosts in 2018
Paul has backed the world cup bid

Number 7
(c) Emdad Rahman

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