Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Trees make Tower Hamlets greener

To celebrate National Tree Week, Tower Hamlets Council’s green cabinet representative planted a tree in Paradise Gardens, Bethnal Green.

Councillor Abdal Ullah, Lead Member for Cleaner, Safer, Greener at Tower Hamlets Council planted a London Plane tree and announced that the council is committed to planting 340 street trees in the coming months.

Cllr Ullah said: “We’re working hard to make Tower Hamlets a greener borough and trees are crucial to achieving this.

"They are packed with benefits - not only do they brighten up an area, but they also have a huge positive impact on the environment. They reduce carbon dioxide, produce oxygen, create wildlife habitats, provide shelter and shade and much more.”
Native trees, such as Birch and Crab Apple, and those with large leafy canopies, such as Sweet Chestnuts and Liquid Ambers, will be planted across the borough. The planting will focus on routes between parks and open spaces to create green corridors for wildlife, with locations being selected in consultation with local people.

The London Plane is one of the most popular trees in the borough, and was traditionally planted in the past due to its ability to cope with pollution. Whilst it is good to plant trees which have a historical connection to the borough, the council is aiming to diversify the species to benefit the borough’s wildlife.
A selection of exotic trees are being trialled in the area, as they may be better suited to the predicted climate change.

174 of the 340 trees that will be planted in the borough are being funded through the Mayor of London’s street tree programme, with the rest funded by the council.
Planting will take place between December and March, with new trees being nurtured and maintained by regular watering and pruning.

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