Wednesday, September 14, 2011

René "El Escorpio" Higuita

Outrageous, erratic, eccentric
Robbed in Naples by the indomitable Milla
Waltzed with Rincon, Escobar, Asprilla
Carlos Valderrama

Iconic showman from Medellin
Attacked Redknapp's Wembley howitzer
Acrobatic backflip leap
From South America's best sweeper

Bamboozled one Gary Lineker
Jose El Loco Higuita Zapata
King of the Scorpion kick
Then retired and ran for Mayor

Well before the back pass rule
Vivid skill from the monstrous black perm
Maturana's eleventh player
Quite simply years ahead of his term

Number 7
(c) Emdad Rahman

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