Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Natural Remedy Clinic (London)


As you get older the old wear and tear sets in and one begins to experience frequent, aches, pains, new and recurring injuries. 

I’ve been experiencing discomfort on my left shoulder, lower back, down the back of my legs and heel. 

I’d been meaning to visit The Natural Remedy Clinic but this latest development pushed me to pay a visit.

Treatments after a consultation at #thenaturalremedyclinic include wet/dry cupping, fire cupping, and massages. 

The experience was worth it and more. The therapist was courteous, polite and reassuring (it was my first time). He explained each step of the process. 

The whole experience was pleasant and highlighted areas which required attention. This is complimentary therapy and not a replacement and I was advised to see my GP too. 

As I’m a 365 day cyclist, runner, walker I’m going to be visiting regularly from now onwards. 

Awesome treatment and I highly recommend The Natural Remedy Clinic. 

What is Cupping?

A partial vacuum is used to create suction  within the cups, this causes negative pressure to increase blood flow, which in turn helps alleviate pain and kick starts the toxin removal process.

Cupping is also a powerful lymphatic drainage treatment, as it helps to move excess fluids/toxins from the tissues.

Cupping is used to treat eczema and acne, muscle and joint pain, headaches and migraines, anxiety and depression, respiratory issues, high blood pressure, as well as enhancing recovery time.

#theanfieldtourist #thewanderinglondoner

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