Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Poem: Monsieur Wenger's Rage

A s the family of football hail him a footballing Professor
R ed rages, not the the norm with Monsieur Wenger
S uccess, a byword of the mercurial one's career
E xuding sparkling mineral water, not so the traditional beer
N ever have we seen him so animated as against the Claret
E nvy and rage had him reaching for a heavy rounded fleurette
W est Ham, a place where passion runs en bloc
E njoin and agree, Professeur's emotions ran amok
N ow the time he did his best Mourinho impersonation
G reat story for the hacks, gleefully scribbling with jubilation
E nd this farce scream the blazer brigade
R eal fans pray this whichunt won't become a pointscoring crusade

(c) Emdad Rahman - 07.11.06

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