Friday, May 29, 2020

The Corona Chronicles - One Third Soup Kitchen!

Exclusive figures from the UCL Collaborative Centre for Inclusion Health, seen by the Guardian, show that those living in London’s homeless hostels are 15 times more likely to die from Coronavirus.

There are an estimated 11,000 rough sleepers in England. More than 5,400 rough sleepers known to councils have been offered accommodation since March but there are still more than 35,000 homeless people living in hostels across the UK.

The One Third Soup Kitchen team were at Stratford with homeless friends today. Although we have suspended delivering the core team have been active throughout the Coronavirus pandemic!

‪We have suspended volunteering so very thin on the ground at the moment - Just me and Dulu with sandwiches from Humdum UK.

Met Jamie today after three years. He’s a young man now. Got a beard, long hair, the works.

He’s asked for a picture so we can compare notes since we last had a go on his skateboard when he was a whippersnapper.

‪Despite lockdown there were lots of homeless friends out and about. We also had visits from many many who have really, really struggled! during lockdown.

Lots of new faces today. I think we did the distancing thing perfectly too.

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